Akane Sano

The Geisha with The Hidden Knife

"A kunoichi is married to her duty and to death."

The Basics

Name: Akane Sano
Age: 25
Height: 5’2’’
Weight: 140 Ponze
Hair Color: Icey Blue with Snow White highlights.
Eye Color: Dark Blue with Icy Blue Limbal Ring
Birthplace: Sui-No-Sato, Ruby Sea.
Current Residence: Hingashi, Kugane
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Likes: Spicy food, Doman Cuisine, Dance, Anything Shiny that sparkles. (Ect. Ask for more)
Dislikes: Alcohol, Snobs, Sweets, Touching her scales, discussing her family.
Languages: Auri, Doman/Hingan & Eorzean
Profession: Informant, Kunoichi, Assassin, Entertainer.

Family: Amako Oshidari (Cousin) --Alive--

Life of a Geiko & Kunoichi & Those who were lost in the Dragonsong War.

From running wild with dragons, to serving tea to criminals in elegant tea houses; while drowning in the vast depths of the Ruby sea. Akane didn’t have to imagine it, she lived it. Her family suffered a plague a few years before the Garlean’s Invaded from the west and wiped out a portion of her extended family. Due to Akane’s family passing from plague at such a young age she retreated to Sui-to Sato with the help of her Aunt who ran an Okiya beneath the tides. Since she was so young, training to become a geisha wasn’t the start of her journey it was discipline. Chores, cooking; and keeping the school in shape was her tasks until she was fourteen. Akane’s aunt whom was the okāsan; the mother of the female-only lodging where the girls stayed. She’d pay for the clothing instruments and housing, food, and necessities. But, once Akane or other girls began to work; debt must be paid. And it always was. Shikomi was a type of training Akane went through later on; more arduous chores, but this was on top of attending classes that lasted for four years. Learning from a variety of different instruments, fue (a flute made of a single piece of bamboo), Shamisen, and Koto. Soon entering her Minarai stage, Akane located a girl known as Senori an older Geiko who was willing to mentor her during banquets and events to further her training. Though since Akane was of age she was still an Apprentice, known as the Minarai. Though after training and following Senori around like a lost duck in hope of understanding how being a Geiko worked she was able to debut into many fine tea houses, throughout Sui-no-Sato. But, her practice never ended and as Akane got older. Freedom was given and she was able to explore further out into Hingashi where she put her work to the blade.

Beauty cannot kill, but the information drenched on thy tongue can. Kunoichi were deady and not all Ninjas bore the garments of black and wore masks to hide their appearance. They were among the everyday people. She was among them. Back alleys, known for smuggling; dealings, murders, and kidnapping not only led to her fighting knife to knife with criminals; Hannyasuki a clan known for not only partaking in Shinobi arts; but training young women in disguise. Akane was recluse and reluctant; and feared for her life upon the day the poison flowed through her veins and the room she awoke in was dark, upon the reopening of her eyes only the dim light of candles could be seen. Broken from her fear through training and branded with the tattoo of the clan across the middle of her back and down the entirety of her right arm, the women that trained her; assassinated those of evil status and gained a high while doing so. Why would Akane of all people be chosen? Kunoichi were sought to be beautiful, and “Harmless.” adapting to a social role of an entertainer; courtesan, or servants. Akane was a trained Geisha. She had experience and was trained in the field for five years and more. It was the easiest way to infiltrate an enemy operation. To “Seek..and Destroy.” Though Akane’s training relied most on her beauty other than a physical weapon, it was her most deadliest skill. Her most valuable. Her mentors would never allow a Kunoichi to go untrained in close hand-to-hand combat. Kunoichi Chose a variety of tools, daggers, garrotes, and poisons. Specialty items knowns as fan blades and finger extensions that she personally enjoys dipped in poison called Neko-te. There is not a moment in time, where she regrets pulling up a blade..though when she doesn’t need to Akane thanks her ancestors for her exotic appearance since it has earned quite a reputation amongst her clan.
